Ask an App Developer: Are App users more loyal?
Ask an App Developer: Are App users more loyal?
Yes. In so many ways….yes! Here’s why:
If you simply consider the fact that mobile users can have coupons, directions, menus, booking forms, phone numbers and any manner of sales and promotions in front of them (and reminding them) – its easy to understand that no other medium can come close to inspiring loyalty and repeat-purchasing like an app can.
As an App Developer, there’s a phrase I use way too much – “friction free”. If you haven’t heard it before I”l explain, and I you have heard it before, I apologise for repeating myself.
Friction free
Imagine you want to book a table at a restaurant for you and a vegetarian friend. Perhaps its a restaurant you’ve been to a couple of times before. What do you do? If you’re like most people, you’ll have to do a google search for the restaurant’s home page, then you’ll have to find their menu and make sure there are vegetarian options. Then you’ll have to write down their phone number and tap it into your phone before calling and making the booking. Oh, and remember, you have to do this during working hours. No late night “can’t get to sleep until I have this sorted” booking option. Its a working hours thing.
All the above – friction.
Ask an App Developer - don't let customers be stressed by friction
Ask an App Developer – don’t let customers be stressed by friction
Friction is all the steps between your customer and them spending money with you. Finding a phone number – friction. Locating and downloading a menu friction. Calling to book – friction. Finding out where to park – friction.
Friction is what puts people off. Not everybody, but on average between 15%-35% of people give up if there is more than one step. ONE STEP! yes, we are lazy, but we’ve all been there. “I can’t be bothered” or “lets just order a pizza instead”. These phrases, this thinking, is like cancer to your business (and I may be talking about a restaurant in this example but this applies equally to you if you run spa, a nightclub, if you’re a lawyer or a business professional) the urge to procrastinate, delay and abandon is simply part of the human condition.
Fight Laziness by making it easy
Chocolate & Candy by the check out till makes it easy to buy more chocolate and candy. Pizza thats only a phone call away makes it easier to stay in and order pizza. When an App Developer can make your business “one tap away” with an app, it makes it easier for customers to order, book and spend.
Lets return to the above example, where you’re booking a table at the restaurant. Only this time an App Developer has published an app that you downloaded last time you visited. This time around you don’t have to search, you simply tap to open up the menu and instantly see the vegetarian options. Right underneath that there is a “tap here to book” button. One tap and you’re done. If you’re laying awake at 3am and want to book a table there’s a place for that in the app and…. done! table booked. All without double booking (a deposit can even be taken too). Not only that but within the app is a map to show people where they can park. Plus some coupons to get you to visit again midweek, and some info about booking for your next corporate party…..hmmmmm.
The Bottom Line
Ultimately, there are dozens of ways an app can bring more business to your business. I’ve mentioned a few above in “ask an App Developer” but there are also features like PUSH messaging, interactive forums, questionnaires, social integration, tap to call, GPS coupons, map use, and multimedia integration to name just a few.
Get the Edge Over Your Competition
Competition IS tough right now. We’re pulling out of a recession and thats not done without everyone stepping up their game. I want to make it easy for you to get ahead without taking any risks, which is why I am so happy that an App Developer at Firewalker Apps can give you a complete app demo for you business for free. You get to experience exactly how much impact an app can have without lifting a finger! Well, maybe ONE finger (you have to tap the app occasionally!). If you’d like a no-pressure demo, just send us your details below and an app developer will happily get your app over to you.